Friday, August 12, 2016

Week 45: Sermon on the mount!

Hola everyone!! How's it going! I'm Elder Slack again! Reporting from Argentina! We're living the Villegas dream and hope you guys are all enjoying life!

Well, this week has been pretty interesting to tell the truth, full of adventures, changes, lies, tears, joy, and drunk men!

So... What this week had in store for us was pretty interesting, we started off pretty normal, we've got a hecka ton of appointments and lessons to teach, some of our investigators are progressing and some are not, but it's all good in teachingsville. Juana and Gustavo are doing great, they are going to get a date for their marriage during this month! Whoo! Um, Fidel, we haven't been able to find much, sad face, Rufino is progressing really well, he's got to fix a things before his BAPTISM this SATURDAY!! And yeah, that's pretty much the week in a really really small nutshell!! We had a sweet family home evening on Saturday night with Hermano QuiƱones, our ward mission leader, and Juana and Gustavo, where we made up an obstacle course inside their house and we blindfolded them and we taught about the Holy Ghost! WHoo!!

Friday, we got this really important call, we were on our way to our area to start our day of proselyting, when we received a call. I answer, who is it? Well it's the traveling assistants! (I think that's the correct translation) WHOO!! Elder Cortez and Elder Miller! I don't know if you remember Elder Miller, but he's a stud from our high school, I found him here on the first week in the field! And they told us that they were going to be staying with us for a week in our area! WHOO!! We were super stoked! We had a ton of ideas planned to get everything prepped for a super mission week, but then.... Sunday during lunch, they gave us another call and they told us that they weren't going to be able to come to our area because there had been some changes in plans, so we cried on the inside and we moved on. 

And yesterday, we had our own little sermon on the mount! Elder Marty and I, we received a referral from the Hermana Medina here in our ward, she sent us to visit a woman with her family and told us that she was really nice and that her father had died about a month ago. We went looking for the house, when we went to knock, a man with a wine bottle shouted at us from this field, he came over, and told us that the woman we were looking for was on this HILL in the field. We look over and sure enough, we see two people and a child on top of this little tiny HILL! A HILL! HILL!! The first hill that I have seen in all of Argentina! Whoo!! So we marched on over, we talked with them, and the man was slightly drunk, but the woman was really nice, they had an old mattress up on top and we sat down with them and had an interesting chat, the slightly drunk man was convinced that we had to come to his house to eat an asado (the argentine barbeque) and tried the whole time to convince us, but the woman listened really well and was so happy to listen to us and hear our message! It was great! And we taught as the sun was setting from on top of our little mount. Well, we are going to go back to see them on Saturday, we'll see how things turn out!

That's about all for this week, I've put a few Photos, we ate hamburgers for lunch yesterday! We ate asado for lunch the other day, and a few other things from the week! Life is good! I love being a missionary!!! Love you all so much!! We'll see you next week!! Chau!

-Elder Slack

(note from Elder Slack's mom: this was a baptism that Elder Slack and Elder Marty helped at)

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